Ege Fren has taken a big step in Industry 4.0 journey with PLM practices
Within the scope of Ege Fren digital transformation strategy, we are restructuring our product development process, document management and project management with the integration of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).
We have completed PLM Integration Project in July 2019. During six month-integration phase, our job scenerios, organizational roles have been introduced in the PLM system. Meanwhile bill of materials (BOM), 2D&3D data, documents related to the products have been migrated to PLM system. Since August we manage 2D&3D data, BOM, engineering change requests/notifications, document&specification revisions within PLM system. Pilot studies related to RFQ management and project management are in progress.
By using PLM software, we aim to more efficiently meet increasing and complexifying customer requests and market expectations in a shorter time.
Ege Fren has taken a big step in Industry 4.0 journey with its PLM practices.